iTunes 4 & The iTunes Music Store

Charles Martin chasm at
Tue Apr 29 01:41:30 PDT 2003

> From: csearles at (Chris Searles)
> On Montag, April 28, 2003, at 08:07  Uhr, Thubten Kunga wrote:
>> iTunes 4 Music Store will include the sale of videos and you can use
>> what you buy at the store.
Thubten is, as usual, wrong.

The iTunes Music Service has the ability to SHOW videos within iTunes. 
No videos are for sale.

> According to Maccentral Jobs said the following: "The exclusive area
> also has links to the artists' Web sites, unreleased tracks (in some
> cases), video (that can stream right inside iTunes) and more."
> and I was just wondering: How will this be possible "right inside
> iTunes"?

The "Music Service is just HTML/XML and as such can display all kinds 
of things, including Flash. Download iTunes 4 and try it out for 

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