Mac OSX Panther & Griffin iMic

Ian Tucker carlian at
Tue Apr 29 14:32:42 PDT 2003

Further to Kunga's comment re IBM Power PC 970 chip etc there is a two 
page article on this subject in the English, March edition of Macworld 
headed "When the chips are down....."    Much of the article is based 
on discussions held with Peter Glaskowsky who is editor and principal 
analyst of "Microprocessor Report".  Quoting Glaskowsky from the 
magazine :- "Reading between the lines, my guess is that Apple will 
have both 970 and G5 parts in its product lines by the end of the year".

By coincidence an article in the margin of page one of the above 
article mentions Griffin's iMic and Final Vinyl 1.0.   Quoting from the 
article :- " ...owners of Griffin's iMic can record vinyl records to 
hard-disk without an external amplifier.   Until now. ripping music 
from vinyl required the use of an amp as well as a turntable. Final 
Vinyl can also capture insrtuments, microphones, tapes, or any other 
analogue sound source.  The solution includes a 10 band equalizer and 
offers a wave form editor..."   The software is available free from

Ian T.

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