[MacDV] Re: Strange Windows file ending

Mark M. Florida markflo at mac.com
Wed Apr 30 11:17:21 PDT 2003

> On Mittwoch, April 30, 2003, at 07:57  Uhr, Erica Sadun wrote:
>>> I received a file with the following ending from a good friend using
>>> Windows XP:  .MSWMM
>>> Does anyone know what this ending means and what I can open it with?
>>> I tried downloading Windows Media Player, but that doesn't help.
>>> Nothing else I have seems to work either.
>>> Thanks,
>>> chris searles
>> Microsoft windows movie maker?
>> -- E
> You're right. I'm sure that's what she made the film clip with. But is
> there any way to open such a format on my Mac or for her to export it
> to another app I can use?

I would recommend using the AVI format and the cinepak codec.  If you just
need to look at it, that should work fine cross-platform.  Of course, if she
has QuickTime, maybe she can export to that?

- Mark

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