Is this in OSX? How in 9? on 4/30/03 2:40 PM, Gerhard Kuhn at suspice at wrote: > If you are using internet explorer the cache by going to the Finder > window, select your home folder(user), then libraries, and then caches > now look for MS internet cache double click and you are home. > > Gerhard > > P.S. you could also do a search on your drive for the folder >>>>> Is there anyway I can save Quicktime movies from web sites please? >>>> qt pro >>> Yeah, it may be because I have QT pro, but when I right click on the >>> movie, I get the "save as" options. >> It is. >>> You can often get them out of the >>> IE cache because most people aren't very careful about securing the >>> movie, even when they don't want you to make a copy. >> How do you do that?