[MacDV] OT Webdesign

Ray Statham raystatham at shaw.ca
Wed Aug 6 23:36:27 PDT 2003

Dreamweaver is the one to get. If you happen to be a person who is a 
reader of manuals I'd suggest getting 'Dreamweaver MX, the Missing 
Manual' by David Sawyer McFarland, Pogue Press (O'Reilly)


On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 09:03 PM, Gerhard Kuhn wrote:

> I have the opportunity to be involved in designing a Website from the 
> ground up.  This site is for a small retail chain to provide 
> information on seasonal products and specialty items.  There is no 
> intention to sell directly from the site but rather to inform 
> potential customers of products and services available.  The idea 
> right now is to make it a online catalog using lots of pictures, 
> possibly  slide shows.  I was wondering what would be the best design 
> software to use, for a person lacking knowledge of HTML?
> Any suggestions would be appreciated
> Gerhard Kuhn
> suspice at hay.net

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