Why the Canon miniDV over Sony

macsarecool at shaw.ca macsarecool at shaw.ca
Thu Aug 7 07:53:23 PDT 2003


Well I guess overall I lie the Canon ZR-60 for it's features.The Sony 
TRV-19 just can't compete. The ZR-60 outclasses the TRV-19 in everyway. 
The Sony unit does not even have analog input. The ZR-60 does (and with 
pass through too). This is why I believe Mac owners who use Canon 
products are generally happier. They do not skimp or get 'cheap' by 
excluding much needed features like Sony does. I mean Sony does not even 
want you to buy the TRV-19. They use it as a stepping stone to highend 
models.Reminds me what Media 100 did when they came out with the QX. For 
$684.00 CDN you can buy a ZR-60. A TRV-22 costs like $1099.00. This is a 
huge difference in price. Which company do I want to be a customer of?


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