[MacDV] Re: Help Blacking a Tape/Time Code

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Fri Aug 8 12:12:16 PDT 2003

Craig Busch wrote:

>That is an interesting request.  I would probably ask for more information.  If it is
>MiniDV, it looks like they are asking you  to strip your take starting at 58 minutes.  I
>could see striping your tape and starting your video at 58 seconds on the tape which
>would be 00:00:58:00.  I pre stripe my tapes in my DV camera.  I just insert the tape and
>leave the lens cap on and push record and let the tape play to the end.  Then you have
>the tape time code striped to the end and don't have to worry about timecode breaks.  As
>far as 29.97 Non drop frame- no big deal, that is what your US camcorder will record in.
>Maybe I am missing something here, but if you can, I would call for clarification on the
>58 issue.  That would give the person 58 seconds to cue you video.  You don't want it to
>start at the bigging of the tape- ever.  That is where the tape gets lots of stress.  If
>all of the entries start at 58 seconds then it would be issue to cue.  That is unless the
>shorts are really short- less than 2 minutes.  Even then, why would they want to fast
>forward 58 minutes on each entry.
>Hope you can call and get it clarified.  If I am wrong let me know, as I would like to
>understand what they are saying.
>Good luck,

That's 58 seconds. If you are going to do playbacks or remove the tape 
pre-recording is nice, but not necessary on DV.
 If you are making a master of your edit on DV and using FCP you don't 
need to pre-stripe
 and can program in the 58 seconds of black in the "present movie" 
control panel. (Put in some after the end too)


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