Just a comment about CRT vs LCD for photo work. I had heard this too and when I first compared an image on the flat-screen iMac to that on my Mitsubishi Diamond Pro, I thought some photos looked better on the CRT. But I'm changing my mind. I added a 20" Cinema to the Mitsubishi specifically to put the palettes and text on the LCD and photos/movie window on the CRT. But I've reversed that. The image is so much brighter, more colorful, and crisper on the LCD that I use it first and leave the CRT powered off unless I need the space for palattes. Diagonal lines show the stairsteps much more prominently on the LCD. So now I think the CRTs supposedly look better because they are fuzzier compared to the crispness of the LCD. (I'm talking about Apple's displays here; not cheap LCDs.) Dragging an image or text from one monitor to the other shows dramatic differences. I had to laugh at a photographer who was working on my system. She wanted images on three monitors for another photo and when she dragged one of them over to the CRT her face just fell at the way it washed out. Shirley On Friday, August 15, 2003, at 10:24 AM, Sean wrote: > What do I need to know about DV editing before replacing my CRT > monitor with an Apple Studio Display or a PowerBook? > I've read that pros who do a lot of PhotoShop work should stick with a > CRT. Is the same true for working with DV? > Can you edit efficiently on a 12" PowerBook screen with iMovie? with > FCExpress? > Does the extra real estate of a 17" PowerBook screen allow you to edit > DV more efficiently than a 15" screen or the 12" screen?