I am planning on starting my first large iMovie project and am wondering where I should set my goals. First of all, I am stuck with using iMovie 2, as I have a clamshell iBook on which I cannot use iMovie 3 due to the 800x600 resolution limitation. I am wanting to edit my wedding video, but I am wondering how creative I can get with iMovie. I have footage from my MiniDV camera that was geting the closer shots. There was also my dad's 8mm camcorder on a tripod at the back recording the wedding from start to finish. I also have an audio recording of the entire wedding recorded from the sound system in the church. Here's what I've been considering: 1. Mainly using the close up video which will be better quality, but cutting back and forth between it and the stationary camera to make things more interesting (I'll digitize the 8mm footage). 2. Using the recorded audio as the main audio track as it will be the best quality, but I will have to either import it using my camcorder or buy an iMic to get it into my iBook. I'm assuming that it is going to be a pain getting the clips in sync. Perhaps it is unrealistic to try to use the seperate audio source. Is any of this possible in iMovie 2, or am I setting my sights too high? Thanks for any advice. Dave.