[MacDV] DVDs and drive incompatibility

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Fri Dec 5 09:12:13 PST 2003

Michael Winter wrote:

> I don't think its anything new to the people on this list, but since 
> the topic came up in the "making a cross platform dvd" thread, I 
> thought people might be interested in the following cnet article at 
> <http://news.com.com/2100-1041_3-5113654.html?part=dtx&tag=nhl> and 
> the study it talks about.
> The bottom line seems to be that "tests proved DVDs and DVD drives to 
> be compatible only 85 percent of the time."
> IOW,
> "This means that if a recording is made on 10 different brands of 
> DVDs, the odds are that at least one will not work."
> -Mike

Crossplatform or not that statistic indicates that at least TWO won't 
wotk somewhere. 2+1/2 .

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