-------------------- Begin Original Message -------------------- Message text written by David Crump "I did some looking around, and this is from Sony's website describing their Digital-8 Cameras: "Digital8 Format 500 lines of horizontal resolution" Wouldn't that just be the vertical pixel count? (i.e. If I set my monitor to 800x600 I will have 600 lines of horizontal resolution?)" -------------------- End Original Message -------------------- No, it loosely corresponds to the *horizontal* pixel count after you multiply by aspect ratio. In case of 4:3 aspect ratio you get 2000/3=666 lines. If resolution is really 460 then this becomes 613 lines. This definition is intended to make the 'horizontal resolution' comparable to the vertical resolution (related to number of scan lines) in case of square pixels. Not that vertical resolution is by definition equal to the number of scan lines... Depending on camera technology some cross talk between video scan lines may exist, also anti-aliasing is imperfect and much complicated by interlace. Jan.