Merry Christmas to All ! There are some details I'd love to get a handle on as I approach the end of a long editing project. It is living in iMovie 3 and will be right at an hour in length. 1) I've seen postings about the point where the iMovie program downgrades quality in order to fit on a DVD (an hour?) I don't want to hit that wall. How do I know where that moment is? Length, size, what??? 2) I can burn DVD's to internal superdrives in 3 different Macs. They are not currently networked, though they could be. I simply move files with an external hard drive. When the iMovie project is finished, how should I save that onto each Mac in order to produce DVD copies? Can Toast Titanium do the work, or do I need to install iDVD 3 in each system? One of the 3 is OS 9.2.2 only. 3) My habit has been to burn a rewritable disc to view and check for any issues. After all is right, I make a DVD-r version. That means encoding the project twice. Has anyone tried making a disc image from an rw that will then burn DVD-r's ? 4) Finally, is anyone using a DVD making solution faster than Toast Titanium? It has been very reliable and I don't want to give that up, but the more you need, the slower it seems . . . . . Thanks for sharing your thoughts.