Copying DVD-R's that I made

Gordon B. Alley galley at
Tue Dec 30 06:12:44 PST 2003

On Mon, 29 Dec 2003 18:34:17 -0500, James Asherman 
<jimash at> wrote:
>On Monday, December 29, 2003, at 05:51  PM, Zane H. Healy wrote:
>>  I've finally have the DVD I've been working on, I'm wondering about
>>  making copies of it in the future.  I've set it in DVDSP 2.0, so that
>>  it's supposed to allow unlimited copying.
>>  Now my question is this, how does one go about copying a DVD that
>>  they've made, that they own all the rights to, and that has unlimited
>>  copying set?
>>			Zane
>You could sent it out to a copy service.
>   You could buy one of those nifty Bravo copy-printers (drool)
>You could copy it with Toast Titanium. (put in disk press copy button
>it copies to your HD , you change discs).
>Or you could build the disc on your harddrive (in a folder)and just
>drag it to Toast
>or Burn as needed  with diskcopy or discburner. (building the disk on
>the HD is an option in DVDSP.)

For those who might use Toast 6 to create a DVD, it also provides the 
option to create its DVD as an image file on the hard disk instead of 
burning it directly to a DVD-R. Then the user can copy that image to 
as many DVDs as desired.

>Just remember One folder with two TS folders and maybe whatever else
>inside. Any further or less wrapping messes it up.

Gordon Alley  <*>
<mailto:galley at>

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