[MacDV] Re: The 20inch LCD Conspiracy

Daniel Beck danielbeck at mac.com
Sat Feb 1 15:02:31 PST 2003

On Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 05:23 AM, Steven Rogers wrote:

> On Saturday, February 1, 2003, at 02:04 PM, SLarsonIH at aol.com wrote:
>> Does your meaning of 'require', come from those who misuse the 
>> english language? My car requires gas. It wants premium.
> So what if I get it to run on methanol. Or what if I get it to roll 
> downhill without the motor. I guess it doesn't require gas after all.
>> Maybe that's one of the reasons why lawyers are kept busy, and so 
>> much communication confusion in the world.
> Lawyers are kept busy because some people are unable to take a simple 
> statement at face value.

Can you guys take this off list?


Daniel Beck
danielbeck at mac.com

Tadayoshi Video Productions
dbeck at tvp.jp.com
Video solutions in Tokyo

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