[MacDV] Re: Adding Additional Sound Effects to iMovie 3?

JM juanm at mac.com
Sat Feb 1 16:21:18 PST 2003

These are directly importable into iMovie. So download them, put them 
in a folder and then import them when you need them. QT files are 
directly importable in iMovie 3.

On Saturday, February 1, 2003, at 03:00  PM, Daniel Beck wrote:

> On Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 04:54 AM, David wrote:
>> Downloadable Sound Effects?
>> Apple offers a group of sound effects on their webpage:
>> http://www.apple.com/imovie/audio_effects.html
>> If you click on them, you can hear them one at a time. Or you can 
>> download them, which I've done. But I can't figure out how to import 
>> them into iMovie 3. There's no info in the "Help" and dragging and 
>> dropping doesn't work. I couldn't find where the stock sounds are 
>> stored. Any help here? I could drag them into iTunes but then they 
>> wouldn't be available to the other users on my computer.

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