> Subject: [MacDV] iMovie 3 minor irritation > From: Kim Peterson <tupper_kim at mac.com> > Message-ID: <BA61E864.3829%tupper_kim at mac.com> > > All, > > After starting iMovie 3 it gives the following error while opening: > > "Something is wrong with the plugin Localized.rsrc. After selecting ok it > appears to start fine and everything I've checked so far works. I can't > find any specific file of that name that might have a problem with it. Any > ideas what might be causing this problem? Thanks. I encountered this while working with pre-release versions -- you've got files from an older version of iMovie hanging around on your system somewhere, and they're causing the problem. You should do a Find for anything with "iMovie" in its name, and then delete those items (after, of course, verifying that none of them are documents or folders that *you've* created that have "iMovie" in their names). Then reinstall iMovie 3.0.1. - Jim -- Jim Heid Author/Host, "The Macintosh iLife" book/DVD http://www.peachpit.com/digitalhub2e Master iLife and more! Attend iDay 2003: Palo Alto, February 8 http://www.iday2003.com/