[MacDV] Re: imovie 3 and VCD

Dennis A. Amith nt2099 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Feb 2 17:37:35 PST 2003

On 2/2/03 5:13 PM, "Thubten Kunga" <Kunga at FutureMedia.org> wrote:

> Absolutely. I didn't mean to say it can't be done manually. Roxio told
> me that the automated Video CD direct to Toast Export in iMovie 3 was
> temporarily broken until Roxio issues us an update that will restore
> it. I may have been misinformed by an uninformed technical support
> person two weeks ago?
> I thought that was what Len was asking about. Right Len?
> But when I tried what Gerhard says worked for him, I got a "This
> preview version of Video CD Export has expired." you're screwed box. I
> have a legal full working copy of Toast. What gives?

If you set your year to 2001 instead of 2003...Let me know if you still get
this "expired" notice.



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