[MacDV] Re: imovie 3 and VCD

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Sun Feb 2 20:07:37 PST 2003

>I have been reluctant to upgrade to imovie 3 because imovie 2 now 
>works just fine with Toast when burning VCD's.  If one needs to 
>literally turn back the computer clock and use expert settings to 
>make it work, as others in this thread have said, this is no 
>solution.  I believe I will let my uninstalled downloaded version of 
>imovie 3 just sit their until Roxio gets the Video CD export fixed.

You can burn to VCD, direct in Toast without going
through the iMovie plug-in. Just drag an exported
quicktime movie to the program, allow it to encode
and then burn.

-- Erica

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