[MacDV] Video Optimization ?

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Mon Feb 3 19:37:11 PST 2003

You could use Cleaner 6.0.1 and other compression programs to reduce 
the size without losing much of the quality. Try searching 
"compression" at http://www.versiontracker.com.

This is a Macintosh Digital Video list. Of course Adobe product 
discussions are welcome. It's only an iMovie 3 heavy list right now 
because of all the iLife hype at MacWorld Expo, Friday's release of 
iMovie 3 and the new integration among all four iApps. We all like to 
experiment with a wide variety of digital media and software.


On Monday, February 3, 2003, at 07:24  PM, H. Eddie Reed wrote:

> OK I have finished my first production. !
> Thing about it is I used probably 20-30 mb's of clips (in Adobe's 
> Premiere 6.0) included some sound and transitional effects and now my 
> not so little any more "movie" is just under 1000 mb's !! Go figure ?
> My question is in regards to optimizing this footage to fit on a CD 
> (700 mb's). Is that possible ? I noticed on the export menu within 
> Adobe's "After Effects" there are some options though they don't apply 
> (Already tried) that sound like they were inteded to do what it is I 
> need.
> Any help appreciated,
>  <Eddie>
> ps. Is this list strictly for iMovie users ? I mean am I out-of-bounds 
> by bringing up Adobe products?

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