[MacDV] Re: "Macintosh Digital Video List" spam?

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Mon Feb 3 21:46:15 PST 2003

At 11:41 PM -0600 2/3/03, MM wrote:
>Marya wrote:
>>  The idea of a digest version of a list is that one receives a single
>>  mailing with multiple messages. Why are you sending out so
>>  many each day? Today it was five: on January 31st I received
>>  ten "digests" in a 24 hour period.
>>  This is becoming as annoying as spam.
>I completely agree. One Digest per day, no matter how long.
>AND, posters: Please snip the quotes to a minimum needed.

MacDV is a privilege, not a right. I'm grateful
that the list exists and satisfied with its operation.
You may want to unsubscribe for a few weeks while the
iLife excitement spins itself out. If you wish to pursue
this topic further, contact ListMom offlist at
<mailto:listmom at lists.themacintoshguy.com>

-- Erica

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