[MacDV] Pioneer dvr-105 and IDVD

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Wed Feb 5 07:12:36 PST 2003

At 9:08 AM -0600 2/5/03, Alan Lanning wrote:
>Apparently this burner is the same as Apple is putting into its new 
>machines but is not recognized by iDVD when configured as an 
>external drive.  Two questions:  does anyone know of a code patch to 
>make iDVD work with the external burner and is it possible (easy) to 
>remove the drive from the external case and mount it into my G4 
>tower?  I have the EZQuest branded Poneer DVD.

iDVD doesn't "do" external drives.

-- Erica

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