[MacDV] What will DVD-RAM do that DVD-RW won't do?

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Thu Feb 6 23:13:04 PST 2003

DVD-RAM is more like a very slow hard drive. You can drag and drop to 
write to it like you do to a hard drive. You can trash files and delete 
them like you do from a hard drive.

I'm not clear about 105 DVD-RW's multi-session capability. I think it's 
more like CD-RW. I just got mine three weeks ago. Haven't gotten into 
it yet. The reason for putting them both in there is so you can 
duplicate DVDs you make or others (not illegally) easily. I don't claim 
to be an expert on all the copy and duplication ways with this drive 

I'm sure you can make a disk image and copy multiple times with Toast 
5.2. You have that? I think Toast 5.2 is an essential utility for 
writing CD-Rs and DVD-Rs. I realize that Apple has made multi-session 
burning easier with the new Disk Copy features for that 
(File—>New—>Blank Image or "Command N"). But Toast is much more 
versatile and you don't have to know how big the image is in advance of 
creating it like you do with Apple's way.

Somebody else care to take this ball please. Anyone spend much time 
rewriting to a Pioneer DVD-RW drive yet?


On Thursday, February 6, 2003, at 10:33  PM, Tom Kirshbaum wrote:

>> Radical difference. DVD-RAM is a dead format but for those of use who
>> have the drives and a bit of media. iDVD won't recognize it as the
>> optical it needs to even launch. You can not burn DVD Player discs 
>> with
>> the old DVD-RAM. It's strictly for data and you can add and delete to
>> it like a hard drive.
> Let me rephrase:
> What will the DVD-RAM do that the 105 won't do? (Not vice-versa).
> For example, I use the DVD-RAM only for backing up weekly, using 
> Retrospect
> (desktop) for incremental backups. Retrospect keeps adding to a disk 
> until
> it is full, then continues on the next disk. It's economical, and 
> allows be
> to go back and grab a file just before it got corrupted.
> Any reason I can't do that with the 105, using RW disks?
> I just upgraded to Retrospect 5.0. It claims:
>> Supports new backup devices, including DVD-R, DVD-RW, and Apple's 
>> SuperDrive.
> So, can I make ongoing, incremental backups with the 105 and RW media, 
> just
> as on the DVD-RAM? If not, that would be my only reason for keeping the
> DVD-RAM at all.
> Tom

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