[MacDV] Re: Final Cut Express

Mike Stanley macguy at guarded-inn.com
Fri Feb 7 10:37:02 PST 2003

On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 01:19 PM, KathyMac! wrote:
> Actually, lying and intentionally misleading are two completely 
> different
> things. One doesn't have to lie at all to mislead another. I don't 
> believe I
> said Apple lied.

You said what you said, then consistently backed off from the 
inflammatory remarks and made them more "polite".

"And if you're going to make one that runs on both systems don't lie
about it and lead people to believe they can't have one unless they run 

'Course, I suppose you can say that, after describing what you think 
was wrong with their handling of this in great detail, that this 
statement wasn't you saying Apple DID lie, you were just giving 
forceful advice for what they should not do - after asserting they were 
guilty of doing this.  That would be more "polite" I suppose.

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