[MacDV] To Demux or Not To Demux That Is The Question

Mark M. Florida markflo at mac.com
Fri Feb 7 10:38:46 PST 2003

I would guess the reason "demuxing" was not covered in these books, is that
generally it is not relevant in the realm of capturing and editing video
with iMovie, QuickTime, Premiere, FCP, etc.  It only becomes relevant when
you need to re-edit footage that has already been compressed into the final
delivery format of MPEG (which was never meant to be an editing format).

In the past few years MPEG technology has picked up a lot of momentum, and
maybe demuxing MPEG files for re-editing is more relevant now than possibly
when the books were written.

Just a few thoughts.

BTW, you know the people on this list are *always* here to help out when it
really matters.


- Mark

> I want all you authors out there to know that I have 2 iMovie books, a
> QuickTime 5 book, 4 FCP books, a Premiere 6 book and the FCP Manuals
> 1-3 and not one of them has the word "Demux" or "demux" in their index.
> Why Erica Sudan? Why Gene Steinberg? Why Tony Reveaux? Why Lisa
> Brenneis? Why Jason Cranford Teague? Why David Teague? Why Tom Wolsky?
> Why Judith Stern? Why Robert Lettieri? Why Antony Bolante? Why all the
> rest of you authors? Why have you ALL ignored the need for a section on
> the process and variables involved in demuxing video and audio into
> separate files to be recombined in the final edit?
> You throw that word out like it's the word "chocolate" and I don't
> appreciate me having to ask such stupid questions about something that
> is so easily explained by Steve Rogers in a few posts and NOWHERE in
> any of these tens of thousands of pages. I believe that this is a
> subject that has been grossly overlooked by all of you. Shame on all of
> you! (sarcasm) ; ^ )
> Would you please add this topic "demux" to what you are currently
> writing and add the word to the index?
> And will any of you who have written pages about demuxing please come
> forward and claim credit for it so I can run out and buy your book
> immediately please?
> Thank you all for paying attention to this rant and scrambling to call
> your editors to stop the presses to add this section immediately. This
> is an outrage!! ; ^ )
> Love yall,
> k
> On Thursday, February 6, 2003, at 11:46  PM, Thubten Kunga wrote:
>> Thanks Steve. I think I now have a clue into the world of demuxing.
>> What sort of source material should I try and find where that needs
>> this technique on it's way into iMovie 3 so I can practice learning to
>> do this? You know where there are any docs for Extractor? Is it better
>> to demux the audio into AIFF or is the MP3 choice just as good? Are we
>> demuxing one sort of video type into the DV format? Is that the idea?
>> Or are we demuxing into another video format? When and why?
>> k
>> On Thursday, February 6, 2003, at 11:40  PM, Steven Rogers wrote:
>>> On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 01:35 AM, Thubten Kunga wrote:
>>>> Is there a keystroke combination to move the audio track a frame at
>>>> a time in either direction?
>>> When a video or audio track item is select, the arrow keys will move
>>> it a frame at a time. Shift-arrow moves it 10 frames (I think - might
>>> be 5).
>>> SR
> At 10:39 PM -0600 2/6/03, Phil A. Lefebvre wrote:
>>>  Any way to get mpeg into iMovie?
>> Convert to DV using various utilities. Check versiontracker for MPEG.
> Rumor has it that you can import the MPEG straight into
> iMovie by drag & drop. Make sure to demux the video though
> to recover your audio.
> Haven't tried it myself yet
> -- Erica
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