[MacDV] Re: Final Cut Express

Ric Perrott writerric at mac.com
Fri Feb 7 10:51:10 PST 2003

On Friday, February 7, 2003, at 01:34  PM, James Asherman wrote:

> But nuts and bolts and dollars and cents says that a dual procressor 
> with FCExpress and an unmarried renter with no one to answer to can 
> offer the same work for less than my FCP and single processor w/ wife 
> child and mortgage.

Tough. Thems the breaks. Either bone up on your editing skills or admit 
that there are better than you out there and get out of the market. 
Spending more $$ on something doesn't entitle you to anything.

Ric Perrott
Writer, Poet, Pot-Stirrer
Visit http://www.ricperrott.com

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