[MacDV] Re: Editing from DVD

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Fri Feb 7 12:43:52 PST 2003

At 12:18 PM -0800 2/7/03, Thubten Kunga wrote:
>Looks like iMovie won't import anything but tape. I hooked up the 
>DVD player to my TRV-900 and the iMovie 3 sees there is "Camera No 
>Tape" attached. Import ... is grey in the file menu and the attached 
>image is not showing via FireWire. Does this camera not pass through 
>signal? I thought it did. Maybe not. At any rate iMovie 3 is 
>behaving as if a taped recording is the only way in. I have a stand 
>alone Sony transcoder. I'll have to see if that will work next.

I vaguely remember that the 900 doesn't do pass-through.
Does anyone else know for sure?

-- Erica, still smarting from your earlier post

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