[MacDV] Re: Editing from DVD

Ken McNamara conmara at grandcanyonhiker.com
Fri Feb 7 14:53:35 PST 2003

Thubten Kunga wrote:
> Looking back on your original post below Ken, are you saying they only
> have DVD burning capability and not DV tape recording capability?
> Because the only way to preserve the quality of any analog source would
> be to make a DV recording of it. The DVD recording will obviously be
> full of artifacts and look a lot softer than the original. The DV
> recording should preserve almost all of the original source recording
> — DV tape dropouts not withstanding. It's all pretty fragile when you
> get right down to it. : ^ )
> k

No, I have the DV recording capability and it's my choice for
archiving.  It's people I know who are bound and determined to archive
onto DVD that want to do it this way.

     KenMc - conmara at grandcanyonhiker.com
              See our new video -
'Hiking the Grand Canyon - The Corridor Trails'

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