IM3 Transitions with audio

Gordon B. Alley galley at
Sun Feb 9 17:41:00 PST 2003

Sun, 9 Feb 2003 06:37:31 -0800, Mark Glick <markglick at> wrote:
>Some transitions, like the burst, render an audio effect along with the
>transition.  I lowered the volume of the transition itself but that also
>lowered the original underlying audio.  Is there away to keep IM3 from
>applying the sound effect to the transition?

Here's what I would do. Before applying the effect to the clip, 
extract its audio to one of the sound tracks. When you apply the 
burst effect, I presume it only affects the clip's internal audio 
channel. Just set the resulting clip's volume level to 0%, and you 
will be left with the original audio you extracted (don't forget to 
enable that audio channel with its checkbox at he right end of the 

Gordon Alley  <*>
<mailto:galley at>

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