Hi, The chances of it being a software problem were pretty much eliminated when you restored your iBook. I've seen this kind of thing (disks not mounting and macs slowing down to crawl) with bad firewire cables. Have you tried another cable? Also, boot into OF (holding down option-command-o-f) and type in the following lines: set-defaults reset-all .... tho I think the cable would be your best bet. filipp >Hi listas, > >I'm sorry I was away so long. Just like Erica I became a father last december. >Enfin... this is a maclist. > >I have a problem. Big for me. >My both firewire connectors on my iMacDVSE 500 don't work anymore. > >When I connect my external HD, iPod or Camera nothing happens. >Sometimes the computer slows down to the speed of a Macintosh SE >when I connect the camera. > >A few weeks ago the problem started with sometimes yes a connection >and sometimes no no connection. >Sometime during capturing to my external HD it unmounts. > >Sorry for this childisch english, but I'm clever in mac's not languages. > >I thought it came during switchng to Jaguar and then updating to 10.2.3 > >A local dealer thinks it's a software problem and will look at my >machine for 45 euro's Screw him! >I brought my machine back to factory settings OS9.02. Same problem >yet. Is this a software problem. >Could this be the firmware or what? > >If it's a hardware problem, can I fix this myself. My dealer says if >it is I have to return it to Apple. I don't repair the logic board. > >Someone has a solution?? > >Regards >Hans de Bijl >http://www.hansdebijl.tk