[MacDV] Re: CDs to use for VCDs - Apologies

Ric Perrott writerric at mac.com
Thu Feb 13 07:46:39 PST 2003

I apologize for my (unintentional) statements that may have been taken as arrogant and too Pro-American.

FWIW, I'm Canadian but I live in the U.S. 

All I was trying to say was that ONE solitary exception pointed out by someone that lives in a different country than the original poster does nothing to render my point incorrect, nor does it help the person who lives in the US that asked the question.

Once again, I apologize for my comment and can only hope that it wasn't taken too harshly.

Thank you Deirdre for your spot-on analysis of the situation. It sounds like your husband and I would get along well. =)

On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 07:22PM, Deirdre Saoirse Moen <deirdre at deirdre.net> wrote:

>On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 04:12 PM, Colin McDonald wrote:
>> on 12/2/03 14:40, Ric Perrott at writerric at mac.com wrote:
>>> Wonderful. However that means exactly squat to people living in the
>>> U.S, which is the majority of this list.
>> Do you realise that this does come across as arrogance and I will not 
>> be the
>> only one to take  exception to the (unintentional?) implication that 
>> the
>> views and working realities of the rest of the world are of no concern 
>> to
>> you as an American.
>Being married to someone who comes off enough like Ric that I was 
>thinking my husband was posting under a different name, I think it's 
>just his expression of aggravation that people are misinterpreting and 
>floundering about what he DID say, which was extremely precisely 
>stated. And accurate.

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