[MacDV] Re: 10.2.4 May Hose iMovie 3

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Fri Feb 14 09:51:28 PST 2003

I'm just using the old Matty & Kids tutorial cuts only for testing the 
Toast VCD export so my launch is quick. There could be any number of 
variables causing this problem for me. I just know it happened on 2 
different Macs the same way. But I'm glad to hear it didn't on yours.

Well I just tried it a second time on the Cube and it worked. No 
crashes. Toast up and ready for burning. Meanwhile on the B&W, I can't 
even get it to finish rebooting. So I am not a very good example.

Just off the phone with Roxio Toast Tech Support. They say the the VCD 
export from iM3 is a definite maybe. They have very inconsistent 
reports that can't explain why it works sometimes and other times not. 
A fix is in the works for 10.2.4 that will be released as soon as the 
end of February maybe a bit longer.


On Friday, February 14, 2003, at 09:53  AM, Dennis A. Amith wrote:

> On 2/14/03 9:08 AM, "Thubten Kunga" <Kunga at FutureMedia.org> wrote:
>> 10.2.4 May Hose iMovie 3
>> I have experienced "unexpected quits" during VCD to Toast Exports on
>> two different Macs. If you haven't already, you may want to not 
>> install
>> 10.2.4 update. Anyone else having this issue. In the case of my iMovie
>> 3 on a B&W G3, I had to reinstall iMovie 3 to get it to stay up. And
>> toast also. On my 500 MHz G4 Cube, the iMovie 3 quit just at the end 
>> of
>> the Toast export before Toast launched. Maybe this is the Toast
>> plug-in's fault. I don't really know. Just sharing. Anyone else having
>> this issue?
>> k
> I did an export to VCD right after I installed the 10.2.4 update.  Had 
> no
> problems.  The only three things I notice are:  When starting iMovie 
> 3, it
> took almost 40 seconds or possibly a minute to have the program ready. 
>  I
> have a G4, 700mhz, 1.5G RAM but as discussed on this ML, perhaps the 
> newer
> G4's have a quicker startup.  Not sure.
> The other thing that I have sometimes happening is that I try to use a 
> title
> that I created...but for some reason after I bring the title in...it's 
> a
> title that I used previously, not the one I created.  That I got 
> annoying
> that I restarted the computer and didn't have the problem again, but I
> haven't done any video with a lot of titling since then in the last few
> days.
> The other is imovie not detecting the camera.  Detects it the first 
> time but
> when I do a new project, it doesn't work.  Had to restart imovie3 to 
> get it
> to recognize again.
> Sincerely,
> Daa

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