[MacDV] Re: 10.2.4 Positive

Geno Kearney geno.kearney at mindspring.com
Tue Feb 18 12:11:45 PST 2003

I have found one improvement in 10.2.4 that is a big help to me. I am in the
of scanning slides at 4000dpi. The resulting jpegs are about 25mb. In
10.2.3, when I
view the directory in the finder using icon mode everyting would almost
freeze while
bringing up the thumbnail pictures, and it brought them up excrutiatingly
slow! I'm
talking 5 minutes to view the directory with 30 images complete. I'm using
an 800mhz
iMac flat panel.

After upgrading to 10.2.4, the icon directory view almost immediately gives
me generic icons
while it begins to load the real ones, and lets me be free to do other
things, and it also loads
the real thumbnails much faster than 10.2.3.

By reducing the wait time, it has significantly cut down my trips to the
fridge I make when
I see the spinning rainbow wheel of death. Hence, I'm a healthier person.


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