Toast Sessions NG With Superdrive

Gordon B. Alley galley at
Tue Feb 18 21:54:24 PST 2003

On Tue, 18 Feb 2003 19:29:03 -0500, Ann <annbo at> wrote:
>I have a 17" flat-screen iMac with Superdrive running OS X 10.2.4. I
>installed Toast Titanium v5.2 to get CD sessions burning but the
>option is grayed out. Is this a superdrive issue or OS X or Toast or
>what? Somebody told me that a program called CD Session Burner might
>do sessions for me but I'd prefer to use Toast which works fine in OS
>9. Any thoughts?

I purchased my iMac G4 800 with SuperDrive a year ago. I've burned 
numerous multi-session CD-ROMs since then, but not since I upgraded 
to OS X 10.2.4.

While composing this message, I've decided to try writing some 
mutli-session stuff and see what happens.

[...time passes...]

OK, I've just performed a "Write Disc" to write about 250 MB to the 
2nd and final session on one data CD-R, and that worked fine.

[...time passes...]

Now I've used "Write Session" to write about 175MB to create the 1st 
session of another CD-R, and that worked fine.

So it appears that Toast 5.2 is still working OK for me, at least 
with respect to writing multiple sessions to CD-Rs.

Gordon Alley  <*>
<mailto:galley at>

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