iMovie2 and 3 - unexpected bonus

Colin McDonald cmmcdonald at
Fri Feb 21 05:41:00 PST 2003

Learned friends,

Maybe this has been mentioned before but I don't think so.

I've been following all the posts on the above software developments and I
have been working <very> carefully on a largish project started in iMovie 2.

I took advice from the list and renamed all my existing iMovie files as
"iMovie2" and backed up the original project files (and even the media files
- you guys/galls have got me so paranoid!)

I had the basic edit done in iMovie2 but no titles/transitions etc. and I
wanted to try using some of the new possibilities in iMovie 3. Here's what I
found so far.

I found as expected:

1) iMovie 3 loaded and ran slowly with the jumpy timeline and various
irritating delays. Sometimes I wasn't sure it had noticed the last click
action. Undos took FOREVER. It did the job OK eventually.

2) The updated project file could not now be read by iMovie 2


I also found:

Sitting in the Project folder was a new QuickTime file (the small
'dependent' type - not self contained) - filename as

It played the updated iMovie 3 edit with all the new titles etc. in
QuickTime (I'm still on 5 Pro)

I wasn't  aware that iMovie 3 saved this way without even being asked.
This could be useful - especially for the poor folks who went back to iMovie
2 but can't now read the project files. All may not be lost.

Colin McDonald

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