Insufficient content for edit...

Richard Brown richard at
Sun Feb 23 23:02:06 PST 2003

> Also..when adding a transition we are getting "Insufficient Content 
> for edit"
> message.  What is up with this?

What is happening is that your footage does not have sufficient 
"handles" to accomplish the transition. Keep in mind every transition 
(except a CUT)  involves an OVERLAP of frames. On both the incoming and 
outgoing shot, there MUST be sufficient frames for this overlap.  Bump 
the out point of the leading shot BACK a second, and bump the in point 
of the following shot FORWARD a second, and this will give your 
transition what it needs. This is why, when shooting, a director says 
"action" AFTER the camera is rolling, and "cut" AFTER the scene has 
ended. You must shoot for your edit!

Richard Brown

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