[MacDV] Re: delete imovie2--Help

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Mon Feb 24 15:54:43 PST 2003

Keep it and rename it iMovie 2 inside an iMovie 2 folder before 
installing iMovie 3.


On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 01:21  PM, Erica Sadun wrote:

>> At 3:13 PM -0600 2/24/03, Robert H. Buchholz wrote:
>>> I just got imovie3 and want to delete imovie2 from my Macintosh HD. 
>>> When I try to trash it I get message that it cannot be removed 
>>> because it is owned by root.  Suggestions?
>> I suggest you keep it.
>> -- Erica
> p.s. And, while I stand by my recommendation, you can remove it
> by logging in as root or by doing a sudo rm from Terminal.

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