[MacDV] Re: iDVD3- How is it working for you?

Illovox Media illovox at oz.net
Thu Feb 27 14:16:16 PST 2003

on 2/27/03 6:35 AM, Mike Stanley at macguy at guarded-inn.com wrote:

> On Wednesday, February 26, 2003, at 09:48 PM, Thubten Kunga wrote:
>> Dear Bill,
>> Would you mind detailing the steps you mention at the end of your
>> post? Each and every step would be appreciated. You mention opening
>> iApps "in order" without mentioning what order is the only one that
>> works. You mention saving the project and then quitting iDVD without
>> mentioning if that precedes the burning or what order is involved?
>> This is a very confusing post. I would prefer you write stupid step by
>> steps rather than caviler remarks that don't really explain anything.
> Wow, that's a helluva nice way to ask someone to do you a favor.
> Might want to practice those people skills a little bit.  Generally
> speaking, condemning someone and their actions while at the same time
> asking them to do something for you isn't that smart a move.

Seriously.  This is the kinda' thing that prompts bemusement with articles
about you Kunga, or with your finances...

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