[MacDV] Re: iPod

Geoff Allen geoff-a at moscow.com
Sat Jan 11 09:43:40 PST 2003

> One thing that doesn't work well is audible books. I got a free book 
> via
> NAPP but it's just one big piece. I have no way to navigate within the
> book. It might not have been a problem, but when I ran out of juice
> listening to the book, it lost track of where I had last listened. I'd
> have to listen to more than an hour again to get back to where I was 
> (or
> listen sitting in front of the computer, which is no fun). Someone said
> their book was broken up into 45-minute segments. Did it come that way?
> Or is there some way we can break up books? The Charles Kuralts America
> book had obvious places to break it up, but didn't do that.

I don't think I've seen this comment addressed yet in the discussion.

Yes, you can navigate within a track on the iPod. While the track is 
playing, and with the display showing the track info and the progress 
bar, click on the central button on the iPod. The progress bar will 
change into a diamond sitting at the current place in the track. You 
can use the jog dial to move the slider around to where you want to 

It works pretty much like the slider bar at the top of the iTunes 

Very handy, and I discovered it by accident. That's the downside of not 
getting a real manual, I guess.


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