Sorry this question is digital photo rather than digital video , but I am hoping someone may be able to advise. Subject: iPhoto At the end of 2002 I had around 850 images in iPhoto which take up around the same number of MB's of HD space. I have copied the iPhoto Library from Users/Pictures to a DVD (file too big for a CD) . I now wish to delete the images from my HD, but before I do I would like to know if I can reload the file saved to the DVD into the IPhoto Application at some time in the future to view images, data, headings,albums etc. and if necessary, carry out further manipulation through Photoshop, or the like. I realize I can open each image separately from the DVD, but it is far more convenient to be able to use the abilities of iPhoto. Secondly, if it IS ok to reload the 2002 iPhoto Library into the iPhoto Application would the procedure be to copy the file on the DVD to Desktop and then drag it over the iPhoto icon in the "Applications" window ? I am using OS X 10.2.3 . Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ian Tucker, Adelaide SA.