Back UP storage options???

Frank Flynn frank at
Tue Jan 21 14:59:07 PST 2003

My internal HD is almost full, so my external 80Gb disk.  Mostly filled with
iMovie projects and other media files some of which I could archive but I
don't want to permanently delete them.

Yes I could buy a 120Gb (or even larger) second internal disk - and I
probably will - but this would fill up too unless I can archive these
somehow, hopefully economically and reliably.

What does the list recommend for storage like this?  Some of these projects
are 20Gb or so.  I do have Retrospect (express which came with Norton).

-I don't see tape drives advertised or pushed like they used to be.  Are
these still viable?  Do they have OS X compatible drivers?

-I do have a SuperDrive - I could use DVD media as file storage, I don't
know how this would work but after burning iDVD's (which can take several
hours) I'm thinking it would be slow.  But the blanks are getting cheap.

-Zip drives?  Aren't they small capacity and expensive for the blank disks?

Any other thoughts?  All advice is welcome.  (FYI - I have a newer G4)


Frank Flynn
Poet, Artist & Mystic

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