On 1/23/03 1:31 PM, "sb" <videovideo at mac.com> wrote: > no, Final Cut Pro doesn't have the "Ken Burns Effect", which is simply a > template of a simple animation. > > Instead, you would have to spend about 3 minutes creating the animation > yourself. But, once you created the first one, you can save it and then > apply it again and again, and have the "KathyMac Effect" I expect the iPhoto/iMovie link to be slightly more sophisticated than this, to automatically compensate for non-square pixels in DV, and hopefully to transparently cope with resolution downsampling. No big deal for somebody who already owns Photoshop and fully understands digital imaging... but really, that is a tall order for the average new Mac owner/iMovie user. BTW - on this subject, someone (I think DVGuy Phillip) once recommended that for maximum quality, the still image should not only be processed in Adobe After Effects, but also using ReelSmart Twixtor. <http://www.revisionfx.com/> Twixtor looks awesome, and is normally used for creating slow-mo video, "in-betweening" at a sub-pixel level for incredibly good results. Like other plug-ins, my concern at this point is OS X compatibility. I'm expecting NAB to be awash in (hopefully) shipping OS X compatible plug-ins for Final Cut/After Effects/VST (audio). Danny Grizzle