[MacDV] Time spent making a DVD.

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Thu Jan 23 12:32:35 PST 2003

On Thursday, January 23, 2003, at 02:15 PM, SLarsonIH at aol.com wrote:

> Let's say that you want to take a show (1 hour + commercials) that you 
> taped, import it, remove commercials, encode and then burn, roughly, 
> how much time would you say that the computer is sitting there 
> working, that you can't really use it? I'm guessing, at least 2 or 3 
> hours.

Well, the capture is real time. You may or may not want to supervise 
that. Then the editing takes a couple of minutes, then exporting a QT 
file from iMovie takes about 1/3 real time (on my 867) and making the 
DVD itself in iDVD takes about 2x real time for the encoding and 
burning, but the machine is only tied up for the burning part, which is 
about 70% of view time.

Of course, if you make your DVD with some other tool that produces an 
image file that can be burned with Disk Copy or Toast, your computer 
isn't tied up at all - it can run in the background.


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