Perhaps you have a Bluetooth phone and Bluetooth in your TiBook (or have a Bluetooth dongle)? You could link your TiBook to the phone via Bluetooth for Internet access: Daniel Willson Web Content Coordinator UAB Media Relations University of Alabama at Birmingham ponyboy at -----Original Message----- From: Matthew Guemple [mailto:mo.og at] Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 9:59 AM To: Macintosh Digital Video List Subject: [MacDV] OT Of course... I book a beach house for a week and now I have a ton of projects that overlap... I need to be able to have highspeed internet access on my TiBook... it has to be wireless though, and Airport won't work so I guess some sort of cellular card?... does anyone have any experience with such a thing? I know Ricochett did one once (or was going to or something...) but don't think thats and option anymore. Any thoughts? tia M ________________ Matthew Guemple Art Director/03 mo.og at c. 646.734.6601 h. 646.742.0994 index.asp?linkTarget=fullProfile.asp&indID=19599