Thanks... Of course if this were a William Gibson novel the only problem would be finding the right adapter for my cranial jack. Of course I'm on verizon which does not support any bluetooth phones at present... I'll have to see if Verizon supports any of this stuff... Perhaps you have a Bluetooth phone and Bluetooth in your TiBook (or have a Bluetooth dongle)? You could link your TiBook to the phone via Bluetooth for Internet access: Daniel Willson > I'm using a Novatel Merlin PC card with SprintPCS on my TiBook at the > moment, but I'm afraid it's not high-speed. At best, it's twice as > fast as a > 56k modem. > If you're interested in knowing more about it, we should probably go > offline. > -- Mark ________________ Matthew Guemple Art Director/03 mo.og at c. 646.734.6601 h. 646.742.0994 index.asp?linkTarget=fullProfile.asp&indID=19599