On Monday, July 7, 2003, at 06:30 PM, Daniel Beck wrote: > > On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 08:26 AM, Matthew Guemple wrote: > >> Although iTunes won't let me reimport them... > > What do you mean? If you change the import pref, you should be able to > convert them by selecting them in your library, and pulling down > Convert to MP3 from your Advanced window. I just did it. From Mac OS 9? That's the catch here -- Matthew, to do this through iTunes you'll have to do it on a machine running Mac OS X. Maybe QuickTime 6 in Mac OS 9 supports AAC audio? Maybe there's a utility somewhere to easily (but probably slowly) convert from AAC to MP3 (or AIFFs that can be converted to MP3s) via QuickTime in Mac OS 9? Maybe AAC files are just not going to work in Mac OS 9? Some thoughts. - Mark