You need to forget about iMovie and learn to use multiple tracks and targeting. A very good book is Final Cut Express Editing Workshop by Tom Wolsky, at Amazon for about $21. It comes with a DVD that has about 10 minutes of video of Tom Wolsky explaining the differences between iMovie and Final Cut. There's also a bunch of tutorial material organized like lessons, to walk you thru learning how to do things in FCE. < 8-1/ref=sr_8_1/104-0758485-7799951?v=glance&s=books&n=507846> The author is a guru on the Apple Final Cut Express discussion forum and is very generous with his help and advice. regards, sb On 7/10/03 1:53 AM, "Neil Bennett" <ibenz at> wrote: > Hi List, > I am a recent crossover from iMovie 2 to FCE and are having problems > 'getting the deal' with audio editing. > As an example, when I was using iMovie if I had imported a 20 second > 'master' clip into the timeline, I could then paste additional clips > 'over the top' of this 'master' clip having the option of either using > the 'master clips' audio or the incoming clip audio. > It doesn't appear to be the same case in FCE. I have read sections of > the electronic instruction manual and have come across a section > referring to the use of split edits. Is this what I need to understand? > Some guidance from the 'old heads' would be very much appreciated. > Kind regards > Neil