I will confirm this... once I stopped being stupid. It was a snap. iTune is kind of pain for shuffling stuff around between AAC and MP3s while keeping your playlists intact... I wish they would improve the ability to update and maintain librarys and playlists! But other than a little fiddling it's quite simple to deal with both formats... > It's minorly inconvenient to take the songs you bought from the iTunes > Music Store (or AACs you made yourself) and turn them into MP3s, > that's all. It's a couple of extra steps -- too much for the pirates > of this world, but hardly onerous for someone who just needs a copy in > MP3 format. ________________ Matthew Guemple Art Director/03 mo.og at verizon.net c. 646.734.6601 h. 646.742.0994 www.gridd.com http://www.creativehotlist.com/ index.asp?linkTarget=fullProfile.asp&indID=19599