[MacDV] Re: OT: AAC > MP3

Gerhard gerhardk at mac.com
Sat Jul 12 19:48:03 PDT 2003

Chad is it your contention that shoplifting is fine but when you steal
in larger quantities it becomes a crime or somehow depraved?  
For a self-righteous sort as yourself I would have assumed that you know
that fair use is to provide the purchaser with the opportunity to use
their music in various forms for their O W N use not for sharing with
buddies, there is no distinction between formats sharing is verboten -
no cassettes, no mp3s or what ever your file preference is nor is are a
small number of infractions considered acceptable.

Gerhard Kuhn
suspice at hay.net

Chad wrote
That was me and my friends throughout the 70s, for sure. We used
cassette "samplers" of songs to spread the word about artists we liked.
Had it stayed at that level, music "sharing" probably would have gotten
"looked the other way" by the record companies. But it didn't, so
frankly the pirates really don't have anyone to blame but themselves.

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