[MacDV] Re: When video editing, does a G3 run better with OS9 or X?

Donna B blktauna at shawstudios.com
Mon Jul 14 18:18:30 PDT 2003

on 7/14/03 8:57 PM, ShirleyK at ShirleyKat at cox.net scripsit:

> Not all upgrades are truly upgrades. We've all been disappointed in a
> new version that removed functionality at one time or another. If what
> you have still suits your purposes, stick with it. Maybe someday you
> can just add a new Mac and try new things, but until that time, why
> worry about upgrades that remove functionality?
> Shirley
Ain't that the truth... And don't think they didn't hear about it from me.
That wasn't the only thing they broke either.

Its just that now I can't view half the quicktime content out there without

Oh well one day when I get some bucks.

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blktauna at shawstudios.com
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