[MacDV] G5 TV Ad Distasteful & Disturbing

Gerhard Kuhn gerhardk at mac.com
Wed Jul 16 05:15:18 PDT 2003

I think this ad is well done it and has the same sort of edge as the 
successful VW advertising campaign.  I find it hard to believe that 
anybody would see this ad as promoting violence and destruction but 
rather as one that shows a user that is blown away (as in overwhelmed) 
by the new features, power etc. of the G5.

Gerhard Kuhn
suspice at hay.net
> On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 04:17  AM, Kunga wrote:
> I'm not sure I agree with this sort of effect being a very 
> constructive analogy to convey the positive power and strength of this 
> next generation Mac. Quite frankly, I find it distasteful and 
> disturbing - not funny. I'm very disappointed in this approach. We do 
> not need computers to create more destruction than 9/11 has already 
> rendered. This is a tasteless and insensitive approach to the G5 
> introduction. I think this ad should be pulled ASAP.
> kunga10 (AIM)

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